

好久没有使用Firefox上网了。今天配置了一下Firefox 1.5,嘿嘿,这个效果还真不是盖的。不仅速度很快,而且非常稳定,比使用Maxthon浏览网页还爽。最近因为用Maxthon老遇到内存占用极大的问题,所以决定换换口味啦。加上昨天在实验室,用那台安装了Windows Me的破电脑——其实配置还不错——上网,简直慢得不能忍,后来没有办法,装了个Firefox,效果不要太好哦!速度极快,所以我忍不住也在自己的机器上装了。


不过要让Firefox更符合各位的使用习惯,你还得安装一些插件和扩展,让Firefox更像你所熟悉的 一些浏览器,比如Maxthon。所以我向大家推荐几个极品插件:

1. Googlebar For Firefox:

2. Macromedia flashplayer:

3. FlashGot

4. Fasterfox

5. AD Block

6. AD Block伴侣,广告过滤规则同步插件

7.  IE Tabs
让那些无法使用Firefox浏览的网站使用IE浏览,让Firefox成为“双核心”的浏览器,呵呵。Windows 用户必备!(下载页

8. Tab Mix Plus
今天才发现Tab Mix Plus已经强大到取代其他所有的关于Firefox的Tab功能增强插件的程度了!所以要使用增强功能的标签式浏览,Firefox比Maxthon做的还好!(下载页

另外如果你安装了Java Run-Time Envirenment,将会让你有一个更强大的Firefox。我以后会写关于如何在Windows下配置Java Run-Time的。



还有,Windows+Firefox居然可以为MSN Space更新日志,嘿嘿!不知道Linux下行不行。

6 条评论:

  1. I don't think what you are blogging is true.

    1. Firefox does consume a LOT of memory, and starts slowly.
    2. Firefox sometimes crashes!
    3. The more extensions you install, the more slow and fragile Firefox you'll get.
    4. At least one extension (Super Drag 'n' Go, a little mod needed) supports dragging URL and texts to open a new tab.

  2. You're a typical Chinese, and a typical Windows user, to be exactely, a M$-poisoned-minded guy.
    Just from your "memory comsuming" theory, I can figure out your computer knowledge basic.

    Assume that, if you have 1GB memory, and you have 0.75GB memory free, what you gonna do with this 0.75GB RAM? Why not use it!!!

    Windows tells your that: no, don't use. More free memory eq higher
    speed.  But UNIX tells you that, please use more physical memory! This
    will give you higher speed.(And that's what firefox have done, and
    that's what guys like you can't understand.)

    Can you tell me which one have a higher speed? The virtual memory(HDD) or physical memory(RAM)?

    In fact maxthon isn't a memory saver, you can find an old log in this
    blog, It tells you Maxthon eats up more than 0.5GB memory, how is this
    compare to firefox?

    And why more plugins? Just choose what you need, don't pick up the toys which makes your browser slow.

    How about FF compare to IE, except some historical apacts, ff is much
    better than IE. What I want to express is that, FF is progressing, and
    it is beating maxthon!

    The crash? Oh I can't bear IE! It crashes more often than ff.

    And what you mentioned the "Super Drag 'n' Go" stuff, it is no longer with ff1.5. (I mentioned this in the upper log.)

    Have you really tried a ff1.5?

  3. You're a typical Chinese, and a typical Windows user, to be exactely, a M$-poisoned-minded guy.
    Just from your "memory comsuming" theory, I can figure out your computer knowledge basic.

    Assume that, if you have 1GB memory, and you have 0.75GB memory free, what you gonna do with this 0.75GB RAM? Why not use it!!!

    Windows tells your that: no, don't use. More free memory eq higher
    speed.  But UNIX tells you that, please use more physical memory! This
    will give you higher speed.(And that's what firefox have done, and
    that's what guys like you can't understand.)

    Can you tell me which one have a higher speed? The virtual memory(HDD) or physical memory(RAM)?

    In fact maxthon isn't a memory saver, you can find an old log in this
    blog, It tells you Maxthon eats up more than 0.5GB memory, how is this
    compare to firefox?

    And why more plugins? Just choose what you need, don't pick up the toys which makes your browser slow.

    How about FF compare to IE, except some historical apacts, ff is much
    better than IE. What I want to express is that, FF is progressing, and
    it is beating maxthon!

    The crash? Oh I can't bear IE! It crashes more often than ff.

    And what you mentioned the "Super Drag 'n' Go" stuff, it is no longer with ff1.5. (I mentioned this in the upper log.)

    Have you really tried a ff1.5?

  4. Hey bro, are you abroad now? Blogspot blogger!

  5. 赫赫,看来有时候吵架还是很有意思的

    You're a typical Chinese, and a typical Windows user, to be exactely, a M$-poisoned-minded guy.
    Just from your "memory comsuming" theory, I can figure out your computer knowledge basic.

    Assume that, if you have 1GB memory, and you have 0.75GB memory free, what you gonna do with this 0.75GB RAM? Why not use it!!!
    我有0.75GB内存,不是举例,是实际,那么,我的Firefox启动后回吃掉180+MB内存,外加数百MB虚拟内存,而且随tabs数目上涨,并且不会回落,哪怕你关的只剩Downloads窗口,只要firefox.exe进程存在,那么,内存还是180MB+,这样的情况是家常便饭,如果我有300MB的内存,干什么不好,我上网类了,开个Need for speed总可以吧?那么,为了能够流畅运行,我要么把Firefox关掉,要么看着硬盘辛苦的交换页面。如果关掉,那么下次打开,还要忍受一遍Firefox的启动速度。Firefox长久以来就没有行之有效的内存回收机制,你说我不抱怨这个还能抱怨什么?

    Windows tells your that: no, don't use. More free memory eq higher
    speed.  But UNIX tells you that, please use more physical memory! This
    will give you higher speed.(And that's what firefox have done, and
    that's what guys like you can't understand.)
    的确,UNIX会用free mem作cache/buffer,可是,Windows能这么搞么?
    Can you tell me which one have a higher speed? The virtual memory(HDD) or physical memory(RAM)?

    In fact maxthon isn't a memory saver, you can find an old log in this
    blog, It tells you Maxthon eats up more than 0.5GB memory, how is this
    compare to firefox?
    And why more plugins? Just choose what you need, don't pick up the toys which makes your browser slow.
    How about FF compare to IE, except some historical apacts, ff is much
    better than IE. What I want to express is that, FF is progressing, and
    it is beating maxthon!

    The crash? Oh I can't bear IE! It crashes more often than ff.
    And what you mentioned the "Super Drag 'n' Go" stuff, it is no longer with ff1.5. (I mentioned this in the upper log.)
    Have you really tried a ff1.5?

    总而言之,使用某个软件和对某个软件的评价不应该戴有色眼镜,夸大某方面而忽视另一方面。我就事论事,因为Firefox距离我的期望—干净、快捷、方便的浏览器—还相差太远,而且,尽管我也没觉得这个期望会很快便为现实,但是我恐怕在很长一段时间内还是要用它。如果非要我比较,我会说,我更怀念firebird 0.7。


  6. 不管怎样,发现了ff1.5的进步,正在转移到ff1.5。尽管有时会用上ie tabs。
