I spend more than 3 months with FC4, but the problem is the gnome menu's delay after every reboot of the system. FC4 is good, except the menu problem.
Honestly, I didn't planed to install the FC5 on my laptop. FC5T1 distroryed my DVD-ROM, during the installation. But when I come to realize that if I miss FC5, I would meet very great trouble in installation and configuration on the coming release, FC6. Meantime, I just upgrade my harddisk to a bigger one, so this upgrade promotes the FC4 -> FC5 upgrade.
Everything is going fine under FC5. I learned something new, and met more troubles. But sadly, FC5 is slow, very slow.Now I mainly work under Ubuntu Linux 6.06, but it is slow too, though slightly better than FC5.
I just download the Redhat AS 4 and install it on my laptop. And my good feeling is back. It runs much faster than FC5. I didn't plan to keep AS4 for daily use, but after I have used it, I may change my mind.
I am now loking forward to the comming release of Redhat Enterprise Linux AS 5, NOT the FC6. I like the redhat blue theme and the cutey logo.
