
Ubuntu Linux嵌入式和移动版项目开始启动

Ubuntu Linux是目前最受欢迎的Linux发行版。现在,Ubuntu项目开始进军移动设备和嵌入式设备领域,正式启动移动版和嵌入式版Ubuntu计划

详细的计划将于下周在塞维利亚举行的Ubuntu开发者峰会上提出,并可能于今年10月份,在发布Ubuntu 7.10 桌面版和服务器版的同时,发布第一个用于移动设备和嵌入式设备的Ubuntu 7.10。

To fulfil the aims of our mission and in response to the technical challenges that these devices pose, we are announcing the Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded project.

We will start more detailed planning at the Ubuntu Developer Summit next week in Seville and the first release of this edition will be in October with Ubuntu 7.10. If you are interested in the project, please get involved. We will be working through our normal development processes on Launchpad, the developer mailing lists and IRC.

不久以后,也许我们就可以看到Ubuntu运行在智能手机和PDA上面了哦。 :)

