这次升级意义重大,给很多对Safari很失望的中国用户重新带来了信心和新的惊喜!如果Safari能够继续进步的话,我可能会由Firefox转向Safari哦! :D
* Includes the latest security updates for Safari. (Safari最新的安全更新)
Non-English versions of Microsoft Windows (非英语windows操作系统)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting if interacting with bookmarks on non-English configurations of Windows. (解决了非英语系统中打开书签就崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting when typing in text fields on non-English configurations of Windows. (解决了非英语系统中,输入文字就崩溃的问题)
* An issue in which bold and italic text could be missing in Web pages on non-English configurations of Windows. (非英语系统中粗斜体显示不正常的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting if the Windows user account name contains non-ASCII character. (解决了Windows用户名为非ASCII字符时Safari崩溃的问题)
* An issue in which all text is missing if the Windows system has a large number of fonts installed. (解决了Windows系统中安装了大量字体而导致所有字符无法正常显示的问题)
* All text may be missing when Safari is installed in a location other than the default location. (解决了Safari安装在非默认路径中导致Safari崩溃的问题)
* Slow startup time when installed fonts have an improper creation time (a future date). (解决了字体安装时间不准确导致Safari启动缓慢的问题)
* An issue in which a font other than Arial could be used instead of Arial on certain Web pages. (看不懂,反正是关于字体的 ;) )
* Safari unexpectedly quitting after prompting for a username and password for HTTP authentication. (解决了输入用户名密码进行HTML认证时Safari崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting when handling the unsupported NTLM authentication method. (解决了Safari 在处理不支持的HTML认证时崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting with certain invalid RSS feed URLs. (解决了Safari在处理一些不可用的RSS feed URL时崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly not responding ("stalling") due to contention with the thread that updates RSS feeds. (这个也看不懂)
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) and Yahoo Widgets
* Inability to install Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) Web applications and Yahoo Widgets. (解决了无法安装AIR程序和Yahoo Widget的问题)
Google Reader
* Safari unexpectedly quitting when sending a news headline as an email From Google Reader. (解决了Safari在使用Google Reader的...功能时崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting on systems with earlier microprocessors that don't support the SSE instruction set. (解决了CPU不支持SSE导致Safari崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting with certain video cards. (解决了部分显卡导致的Safari崩溃的问题)
* Safari unexpectedly quitting when a web server produces an empty Content-type header. (如果Content-type为空导致Safari崩溃)
Coming Soon
* Support for International users (支持国际用户)
* International text input methods (支持国际语言输入法)
* Advanced text (contextual forms, international scripts) (支持高级文字服务)
* Localized menus and help (本地化的菜单和帮助)
* NTLM support (NTLM支持)
* PAC file auto-detection (PAC文件自动监测)
* FTP directory listings (FTP目录列表)
* Link to proxy settings From Safari (Safari respects the proxy settings in the Windows Internet control panel) (Safari将自带代理服务器设置功能,而不再使用IE代理设置)
* Cookie management (管理 Cookies)
* LiveConnect support (实时连接支持)
* Tooltips (工具提示)
* Spell checking (拼写检查)
* Printing page numbers, titles, margins (打印页码,标题和页边距设置)
Ahh~~目前Safari的表单似乎还是不支持中文输入。 :(
"An issue in which a font other than Arial could be used instead of Arial on certain Web pages" 可能原来Arial字体不能被替换吧
回复删除要去重新下载了,原来的beta已经被我删了 :)
嗯 有点明白那句话的意思了。 ;)
回复删除目前Safari不支持中文输入比较烦人。我每天都要用Apple Software Update看看Safari的升级情况。
而且我的safari不能保存设置 :(
回复删除我已经在后面的日志中提到过(这里)了。 :)