“Unlike lots of other colleges, MIT does not require that its students buy a personal computer. There are lots of big, powerful computers here (many thousands of networked computers in all areas of the campus). Computer time for word processing and play is totally available. LINUX is the operating system of choice for many students. If you still want to purchase one, you should know that MIT has made arrangements for discounts for the entire MIT community with various companies. Don't worry too much about compatibility with MIT computers and software; make your best deal.”
想想我们学校,免费就不提了;这个兼容性,嘿嘿,还要自己hack。果然是培养人才的地方,方法独到。 差距,不是可以用年代来衡量的。有人说,这纯粹是有没有钱的问题,不过我认为,这种低劣的本质已经长在那里了,就算某天我们的大学也有MIT这么有钱了,也不可能这样的。